Green Power Denmark
Green storytelling
Green Power Denmark is a non-commercial business organization representing companies in the renewable energy sector. They work for a green, carbon neutral future through an accelerated electrification of society. Denmark is a pioneering country within renewable energy technology and solutions. We’ve helped them share some of these inspiring stories as a series of explainers.

Complex content made simple
Why are wind turbines not in operation when it’s windy? What is the role of energy traders? These are some of the topics we’ve worked on, but they all share the same challenge: complex content that is difficult to communicate. But explaining it with short, simple animations, we managed to make it more understandable and set their messages at the top of the green agenda.
In this dynamic interplay of images and illustrations, we explore their unique strengths as they come together to form a visually captivating blend. Using images in animation enables us to show stuff exactly as it looks in real life, making it relatable and easily recognizable. Illustration on the other hand, provides the possibility of unveiling the invisible, conveying complex topics in a visually accessible way. In this case we have mixed up images and illustrations to convey interesting topics central to Green Power Denmark’s mission for a green future.