VKR Group

Bring Safety Home

When we are at work, we follow the company’s safety guidelines so that we do not get hurt or hurt others. But when we leave the workplace, we often forget to take those good safety habits with us. And the fact is that most accidents happen in our own homes. That’s why the Employee Foundation of the VKR Group launched a safety initiative to support this cause. We helped to spread the word with an animation film that clearly illustrates the challenge we all have: We forget the good security habits when we get home!

Splitscreen storytelling

Keeping the story and topic in mind, it was obvious to establish a visual concept that added a sense of humor and elegance to the story. Here we watched the hero of the story in a simultaneous splitscreen view, both his actions at work and at home. Simple, yet effective storytelling.

Visual animated dynamics

To differentiate the splitscreen view we added a lot of stylistic cartoon transitions and visual effects to give more dynamics to the story, including slowmotion, bird’s eye view and close-ups.

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